Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re seeking, feel free to reach out via email at or give us a call at +91 8585954745.

What services does The Pothi Srijan offer?

We provide a comprehensive range of services including manuscript editing, cover design, typesetting, ISBN allocation, printing, and distribution. Our goal is to assist writers through every step of the publishing process.

How do I submit my manuscript for publishing?

You can submit your manuscript through our website’s submission form. Once submitted, our editorial team will review it and get back to you with feedback and the next steps.

What is the cost of publishing my book with The Pothi Srijan?

The cost varies depending on the services you require. We offer customized packages to suit your needs. Contact us for a detailed quote.

How long does it take to publish a book?

The timeline for publishing can vary based on the complexity of your project and the services required. Typically, the process can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months from manuscript submission to final publication.

Will I retain the rights to my book?

Yes, you will retain all the rights to your book. The Pothi Srijan provides publishing services while ensuring that all copyrights remain with the author.

Can I choose the cover design and layout for my book?

Absolutely! We work closely with you to ensure that the cover design and layout reflect your vision. Our design team will provide professional guidance and options for you to choose from.

What formats will my book be available in?

Your book can be published in various formats including print (hardcover and paperback), e-book, and audiobook. We aim to make your book accessible to a wide audience.

Do you offer marketing and promotional services?

Yes, we offer a range of marketing and promotional services to help you reach your target audience. These include social media marketing, book launch events, press releases, and more.

How will my book be distributed?

We distribute books through major online retailers such as Amazon, Flipkart, and others. Additionally, we can arrange for physical distribution to bookstores upon request.

Can I track the sales of my book?

Yes, we provide detailed sales reports and analytics so you can track the performance of your book. This helps you understand your audience and plan future marketing strategies.

What if I need help with writing or editing my manuscript?

We offer professional writing and editing services to help polish your manuscript. Our team of experienced editors can provide structural editing, copy editing, and proofreading to ensure your book is of the highest quality.

How do I get started with The Pothi Srijan?

Getting started is easy! Simply fill out our inquiry form on the website or contact us directly via email or phone. Our team will guide you through the process and help you take the first steps towards publishing your book.

What genres do you accept for publishing?

We accept a wide range of genres including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, academic, self-help, and more. If you have a unique project, feel free to reach out to discuss your ideas with us.

What makes The Pothi Srijan different from other publishing services?

Our personalized approach, commitment to quality, and extensive range of services set us apart. We believe in empowering authors and providing them with the tools they need to succeed in the publishing world.