You may be curious to know which book holds the title for being the highest selling book in India. The answer to this question may vary depending on the time frame and the source of data. However, one book that consistently ranks among the highest selling books in India is “The Immortals of Meluha” by Amish Tripathi.

Amish Tripathi is an Indian author known for his mythological fiction novels. “The Immortals of Meluha” is the first book in his Shiva Trilogy series. It was published in 2010 and quickly gained popularity among readers in India. The book follows the journey of Lord Shiva as a Tibetan immigrant who is discovered to be the prophesied Neelkanth, the destroyer of evil.

The success of “The Immortals of Meluha” sparked a trend of mythological fiction novels in India, making it a groundbreaking book in the Indian literary scene. Its engaging storytelling, relatable characters, and unique interpretation of Indian mythology have captured the hearts of readers across the country.

Another contender for the title of highest selling book in India is “The Alchemist” by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho. While not an Indian author, Coelho’s philosophical novel has enjoyed immense popularity in India and around the world. The story of Santiago, a young shepherd on a journey to fulfill his Personal Legend, resonates with readers seeking inspiration and meaning in their lives.

Chetan Bhagat is another Indian author whose books have achieved significant sales in India. Titles like “Five Point Someone,” “2 States,” and “Half Girlfriend” are among his highest selling works. Bhagat’s simple writing style, relatable characters, and contemporary themes have made him a favorite among young readers in India.

When looking for the highest selling book in India, it’s important to consider the diverse reading preferences of Indian readers. While mythological fiction and philosophical novels have been popular choices, genres like romance, thriller, and self-help books also have a strong readership in the country.

Ultimately, the title of the highest selling book in India may change over time as new books capture the attention of readers. However, classics like “The Immortals of Meluha,” “The Alchemist,” and works by authors like Chetan Bhagat continue to hold a special place in the hearts of Indian readers.

So, if you’re looking to explore the world of Indian literature, consider picking up one of these bestselling books and initiate on a literary journey that has captured the imagination of millions of readers in India.